Vol.8 No.2 (2013)

Influence of the biofertiliser Seasol on yield of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivated under organic agriculture conditions

Vlahova, V. 1 & Popov, V. 1*

The experiment was carried out in 2009-2011 on the certified organic farm of the Agroecological Centre at the Agricultural University, Plovdiv (Bulgaria). The research aimed to examine the impact of biofertilisers on the productivity of pepper, cv. Kurtovska kapiya 1619, cultivated under organic agriculture conditions. The tested biofertiliser was Seasol (Earthcare) (Seasol International, Аustralia), which was applied during vegetation (i.e. at the pepper growing stages of flower buds and mass fruit-set) on the top of basicfertilisations, namely the solid 'Lumbrical' and 'Boneprot'. Seasol was applied in optimum concentrations and in concentrations reduced by 50%. The biofertiliser applications were in compliance with the list of permitted soil additives by the European Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008. The use of biofertilisers led to increase in yield of the pepper by 8% to 39%. The results showed that the percentage of non- standard production decreased upon the application of organic fertilisation. The increase in the standard yield was stronger in comparison with the non- fertilised (control) plants upon the combined application of the biofertiliser Seasol on the basic fertilisation Boneprot and the basic fertilisation Lumbrical, as an average from the three years (р<0,1). The biofertiliser Seasol had a positive effect on number of fruits per plant compared to non- fertilised (control) plants. The combination of the biofertiliser Seasol as an amendment to the basic fertilisation with Lumbrical had a favourable effect and resulted in increase in the standard yield. The research results provided grounds for recommending this combination to the existing fertilisation schemes for ensuring optimum productivity and environment protection when growing organic pepper. Key words: biofertilisers, biofertilizers,biofertilisation, biofertilization, organic farming, productivity, yield, Bulgaria, Europe.

Key words: biofertilisers, biofertilizers,biofertilisation, biofertilization, organic farming, productivity, yield, Bulgaria, Europe.


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1.) Agricultural University - Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria



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